We have been to the cat show in Skive on September 3-4 - this time with both Knutt and Ayla
It was the first time I had Ayla with me, so I was extra excited to see how she was doing. I am very pleased with her results. Both some really good reviews and awards, as well as what I have to work towards with her

Knutt also got some super nice results and statements, it will certainly be exciting to have him more at the show
Below, I have transcribed the judges' comments to Ayla, as it is not always easy to read. Although titles are super nice to get, the criticism means a lot, in relation to knowing what the judges think about the cat's good and less good qualities
Day 1: PT Lusodolls Ayla
Type: Amazing size + large body. Super legs in proportion. Super muscular. Fantastic shoulder
Head: Amazing head. Neat In all details
Eyes: Super large, super intensive blue, shape oval
Ears: fantastic broad at base. Placement. Super size and placement
Coat: Amazingly bicolour + soft, silky . Good length
Tail: Super to shoulder
Condition: ex thanks
General impression: Beautiful + interesting female. Sweet en type. Super coat. Want to see her in future
Day 2: PT Lusodolls Ayla
Type: ex long body. Ex broad at shoulders + hindquarters
Head: ex broad modified wedge. Ex flat .. between the ears
Eyes: Dominant eyes. Not oval. Ex blue.
Coat: ex silky! Ex lying with the body
Tail: ex long to the shoulder
Condition: super condition!
General impression: well presented
Day 1: DK Maine Malawi's Bounty Boy
Day 2: DK Maine Malawi's Bounty Boy