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Ragdoll World Show

Line Wolff

Another good and learning-filled showis over in Kolding. Here are some pictures, a little movie from the hall and another movie where you can see me standing by the judge with Knutt - he really does not bother to hang there anymore as he crawls on me

On Saturday there was a World Show for Ragdolls so there were about 150 - lots of beautiful ragdolls!

Therefore, it was also a very hard field that Knutt was up against, so even though he got EX4 and EX2, he also got some really nice comments along the way. I look forward to show him when he has grown up

Best junior male is being judged here. DK Maine Malawi's Wolfgang in the middle and Knutt a.k.a. DK Maine Malawi's Bounty Boy and I stand to the left. Knutt crawls around wildly - we probably have to practice something more

In addition to meeting a lot of wonderful breeders and cats, on day two there was a presentation about dwarfism in the ragdoll breed. Incredibly exciting as a breeder to get some background knowledge for the genes that go far back and how to keep an eye on it so you avoid it in your breeding

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