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Buying a kitten

Litter: A

Theme: John

The theme of this litter is named after my father, as he has helped me to be able to start my breeding dream. Thank you dad!


DK Shiruku's Alluring Johnisa

Gender: Girl
Color: Blue 
Pattern: Bicolor, Tabby

Status: Stays


DK Shiruku's Alluring John

Gender: Boy

Colour: Brown

Pattern: Mitted, Tabby

Status: Reserved


DK Shiruku's Alluring Johannes

Gender: Boy

Color: Brown 

Pattern: Bicolor, Tabby

Status: Reserved


DK Shiruku's Alluring Johanna

Gender: Girl

Colour: Brown

Pattern: Bicolor

Status: Reserved


DK DK Shiruku Cunning Bigby

Køn: Dreng

Farve: Brun

Mønster: Mitted

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